Monday, July 12, 2010


Just finished White Tiger, an interesting book told from the viewpoint of an Indian “entrepreneur” and driver. One point that stuck out in my mind was his description of Delhi, how many roads have names that no one actually uses or knows, and that addresses don’t really exist or stick. “A-block” may be next to “G-block,” house A-78 may be followed by G-238, and it’s not really an anomaly.

Dar has a similar situation. When I asked our real estate agent the street address, she said it’s (the name of our apartment building) on Haile Salaise Road.” (Mind you, this road is not a small one).

A lot of places in China apparently has two names – a Chinese and an American.

Not the case here, but it’s still challenging to explain where you’re going to a cabby (as would be expected without real addresses). Solution: figure out landmarks and add at least 15 minutes to travel time.

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